This girl has one of the most interesting web sites I've seen in awhile. She rides a Kawasaki Ninja, ZZR-1100 (ZX-11), a fairly good size bike. Filatova Elena Vladimirovna. She is Russian I believe and does this travelogue from her bike through the Chernobyl area, or what she can of it at least. Incredibly interesting to see what damage still persists to this day in that part of the world. She provides an excellent commentary through out the trip though just the pictures themselves are captivating. She also has a number of other of adventures on her site from that part of the world that are as interesting. Check it out!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
"Gamma Girl" also known as a "Kid of Speed"
Ocean Shores
In late July there is the Sun and Surf event where
This is a fun event for everyone. More information can be found at the Sun and Surf 2008 site, the event will happen this year on the 25th of July thru the 27th. Proceeds from this event benefit the MDA. I had a couple of photos from past trips to Ocean Shores, none however, from my trips to the event itself. During Sun n Surf there are bikes all over the place.
I’ve been to a few of these and they can be a lot of fun, as long as the weather holds. There are lots of excellent roads in the vicinity. I actually only spent a day in
Some of the local wild least the wild life that I could show...
My favorite riding partner
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
I hope everyone got a chance to get out to honor our fallen veterans or at least took a few moments to reflect on their sacrifice.
This year, like every other year, the United States is celebrating Memorial Day in a big way. For those across the world that do not know what Memorial Day stands for and its significance in American life, here is a brief introduction to this special American holiday.
Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day. It is a day on which America remembers those of its citizens who sacrificed their lives serving their country. America celebrates this day on the last Monday of May each year, and the celebrations, spread across the country, are all towards respecting the dead.
There are usually Memorial Day services, veterans’ parades, citizen’s parades, candlelight vigils, and other related activities. (Daisy Sarma - Money Times)
Rolling Thunder makes an appearance in DC. That many bikes is an impressive sight!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The bike show
The weather held out and turned out to be a beautiful day last Sunday. There were bikes out thru out the area as an estimated turnout of over 15,000 showed up in Old Snohomish for the 12th annual show. The world renowned Seattle Cossacks also made an appearance for their always entertaining show. What a great way to open the riding season!
Thanks to the Everett Herald for some great photos!
Biker or Not
Of course someone had to eventually do this, after the site RU Hot or Not!
Watch out for the Posers!
Highway 20
North Cascades highway is open again!
It had been closed for the last five days due to snow slides, here WSDOT is working to clear the way!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Something new that has come out, sort of a three wheeled contraption, actually looks kind of interesting. Not that I need three wheels but this seems like it could be a fun ride, something a
bit different. I'll bet you would get some looks! Look, you can even ride two up!
see their website
A favorite of mine, found myself in similar situations
Big Dog motorcycles...breaking the leash!
Old Snohomish Bike Show
May 18th the Old Snhomish Bike show, not sure what's planned for the weather but if it's nice, Look out! A great time can be had, usually a really good turnout unless the weather fails to cooperate. Nice little town overrun by bikes, lots of vendors, bands, bike shows and whatever.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
North Cascades Highway is open! I hear that Highway 20 has been cleared and traffic is flowing once again! For those who have never taken this fantastic ride, it has to be one of the best rides in the state! Looking forward to making the ride very soon..thanks to WSDOT
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Only in America